New Global II geolocation provider, multi-class annotation
over 3 years ago by Zac Yang
New geolocation provider: Global II
We've added a new geolocation data provider - this is referred to as "Global II" in the user interface, and global_provider2
in the API. This will benefit GO users in several ways:
- Adds geolocation coverage in the EU
- Historically, has a more stable panel and is thus subject to less noise (from panel shifts), compared to Global I (the old "Global" provider)
- Significantly lower latency (8 hours vs 4 days) compared to Global I, allowing for more real-time foot traffic analysis
The Global II geolocation provider is available for both the foot traffic & traceability algorithms. Historical data is available from 2019-06-01 onwards.
We now support annotation of multi-class bounding-box objects - add missed detections (false negatives), remove incorrect detections (false positives), and change classes for mis-classified objects.
Other fixes
- Fixed incorrect overlapping bins in foot traffic heatmap visualizations (eg bins with 1-3 devices, 3-5, 5-7, …)
- Fixed validation error where AOIs were rejected incorrectly due to heatmap restrictions